Thursday, September 2, 2010


I've seen some amazing God-things these past couple of months. I can't go into details here, but I do want to share what I've learned from my experiences.

1. God wants to bless us!
2. God wants to bless communities. He doesn't just want to bless "me" or "you," but he wants to bless "us"...That's how He loves to bless the most.

Here's what I mean by number 2.

This summer someone I know was sharing how God had blessed him. Another friend was so moved she started to cry. I was doubly moved. Moved by by my first friend's blessings and moved by my friend who cried. God took one blessing and drew three people closer to Him. But it didn't end there. He took one blessing and drew the three of us closer to each other. By sharing with each other how God had blessed, we found our relationships enriched and deepened. True, I might have loved both of these friends before, but I find my heart even more drawn to them now.

This morning one of the friends mentioned here texted me to tell me that God has blessed her and she wants to share. I can't wait to hear! When it comes to God's blessings, we can never be too greedy!

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