Saturday, September 18, 2010

I Go First

In Thailand, people would often dismiss themselves from a conversation by saying, "I go first." Tonight I was thinking about that phrase: for one I simply miss it hearing those words. "Okay. I go first." But then I was also thinking about the significance of the words "I go first". How powerful they would be if I applied them to my life not just as a way to say goodbye, but as a way to live?

I go first. I'll be the first to show that you matter to me.
I go first. I'll be the first to forgive.
I go first. I'll be the first to admit you're right.
I go first. I'll be the first to let you know that I need you.
I go first.


Karla Salazar said...

I go first. I'll be the first to let you know how amazing you are and how much I appreciate this thought-provoking blog post.

jc said...

Thanks so much! :)

Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

Pai nai? :)

jc said...

Pai tio. Pai Argentina!