Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Two Dreams

Sunday night I dreamt I had volunteered to teach in the Marshall Islands. I was walking around the island when I realized that I didn't want to be there and that it had been a mistake to commit myself to a year of teaching in Majuro. In my dream, I realized that I had to either tell my boss that I wanted to quit or to just grin and bear another year there. I woke up and felt a great sense of relief.

Monday night I dreamt that I had volunteered to teach in a remote village in Thailand. The village was so remote that no regular public transportation came through the village and I had to either run to town or catch a ride with my supervisors. As my time progressed in this remote village, I realized that it had been a mistake to volunteer to work there and I desperately wanted to go back to Florida. Again, I woke up relieved.

I don't think that my dreams were prophetic, but they did remind me of this simple thing: sometimes it is a gift to wake up and be exactly where you are.


Mai said...

Thanks for sharing this; I especially like the last line. I don't completely love where I am right now, but I feel it's where I need to be, so that's so much better than being somewhere else!

jc said...

Yes! I understand that too. I might be geographically happy but there are some life-circumstances I'm unhappy with. Constantly this year, I've been reminded that God is in these circumstances and growing me through them.

Khlarisse said...

Wait...did that just come out of your mouth/pen/laptop/computer? Oh no...it was just a dream. If you only knew about your dreams a year ago...such horror! *gasp*