Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Puppy Love

English is useless when it comes to expressing love in a nuanced way. I wish there was a specific "love" word for all the varities of love: friendship love, romantic love,or family love. Recently, I have been wishing for a "love" word for animals. You see I've fallen in love with a dog. I have a case of puppy love. I met this dog while volunteering for a community service painting project in November. I was painting the door frame of a the room that Ginger was put in while we worked on the house. I was up on a step ladder painting when Ginger took a bone, held it in her mouth, and sat as close to the door frame as possible and whined. I think she was saying, "I have my toy now, why don't we go out and play?"

It just so happens that Ginger's owner attends the same church as me. I'm sorely tempted to ask him if I can borrow his dog for a day.

PS I wrote this because Ginger's owner posted a comment about her on Facebook. He just told me that Ginger has a profile and I can friend her. Yay!

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