Monday, August 31, 2009

Sacred Ground

"I found it hallowed ground--sacred because the God was there." Kelli Wilcox, "Treasures" p. 17 AFM Magazine, September 2009

I stepped out of my car on Friday morning and looked at the elementary school in front of me. I prayed, "Lord, is this my next mission?" It seemed a strange place for me to go--teaching at a grade level that makes me nervous. "Father, is this where you want me to be?"

And yet, unlike all the other jobs that I've applied for this job application/interview/hiring process has gone so smoothly that I'm in shock. I applied for the job Thursday, they interviewed me Friday, and hired me Monday. There were even real kinks in the hiring process. My state credential had expired and I was positive that they could not possibly hire me with an expired credential. But it turns out I could get a one-year extension on my credential by filling out some paper work. Simple.

This (I confess) is not exactly where I wanted to end up. I had to go on a special prayer walk this morning to ask God for wisdom. The question that comes over me is: will I be able to handle it? Can I do a good job? MC was a refuge for someone like myself who struggled with classroom management skills.

And yet it seems that God is calling me to this place. I want to find the sacredness of my ordinary calling to teach eighth graders American history. I want to know how God can use me at this school. What plans does He have for me? I plan to prosper by His grace. I plan to teach 8th grade history in a way that glorifies Him.


Laura said...

Yeah! So glad you have a job! I know God will use you to be a blessing there!

heidileanne said...

Yay for jobs! And teaching American History gives you lots of avenues for talking about God that say, teaching math does not give you. Religion has been an important part of our history, and without talking about it, how can we understand who we are as a country today? :)
God definitely has a plan for you and this school. Good luck, and I can't wait to hear all about it!

jc said...

Thanks Laura!

Heidi, you're right (as a history teacher yourself!). I was surprised to see that part of the state standards included discussing America's Judeo-Christian heritage.

Grace Oei said...

you know, i think junior high/early high school is an age where you can have a tremendous impact on the way kids think and approach the world. I think you gonna do just fine =)

jc said...

Your right Grace. Thanks for the vote of confidence too!