Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Experiment

Last week I learned that I'm on the list of possible-canidates for the job opening in Florida (that's the good news); I also learned that they are postponing hiring until January (that's the bad news).

I had some great back up plans if I didn't get any work by September. I was going to substitute teach or go to Korea on a short-term contract. My back up plans have fallen through. They don't need substitute teachers in this area, and Korea doesn't need any workers until mid-October.

I can't say I haven't been disappointed by this turn of events; Laura knows I was a little discouraged when I talked to her on Sunday (yeah for Skype!). But I'm trying to see what adventure can come out of this closing of doors. This looking-for-work can be seen as a great experiment. Where will it lead?

Life's a dance you learn as you go/Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow/Don't worry about what you don't know/Life's dance you learn as you go Allen Shamblin/Steve Seskin


Marlise said...

Wow, this is really a test of faith. But I know that the right job is there waiting for you- at the time when God can best show His power.
I'm trying to remember how many months it was that Daniel was without work in 2001? He understands you much more than any of us!

Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

Hang in there! I hope something does come up soon...meanwhile, I'm enjoying your blog posting :) We miss you here at AIU!

jc said...

Marlise: Yeah, I think my faith is being tested. I've been most encouraged by how God is using this testing-time to draw me closer to him.

Doris: I'm missing AIU too!

American Swede Photography said...

Aiii, Julie. The waiting. Wow. I'll continue praying.

jc said...

Thanks Kristen!