Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just the Usual Strange

As a general rule strange things happen to me. I've been locked inside at least two bathrooms. I've been pooped on by numerous birds. I've been to sent to a hospital because of a freak skiing accident involving a drunk skier who mistook me for a sled.

Well, recently a very small strange thing happened to me. This involves my car and a slightly illegal action. It all started when two of my best friends from college and I had a little reunion dinner in San Jose. We ate at an Ethiopian restaurant and despite the tiny factor of having to eat with our hands we had a good time. After dinner we walked out of the restaurant and discovered that my car had been locked into the parking lot (the parking lot had a gate and a fence). My heart sunk when I saw my car thus ensconced. I told myself, "remain calm and talk to the owners." My friends and I walked back into the restaurant and we got the attention of our former waitress. I told her, "My car has been locked in the parking lot." She said, "Oh no!" What heart sinkage had already occurred went a little deeper. "Oh no!"? I was hoping along the lines of "it will be okay". But "oh no!" Her response made me wonder if my car would be locked in overnight. The owner (about that time came out) and my friends and I explained our problem. "My car is locked in the garage next door and I would like to get it out." He didn't seem particularly interested in this problem. I told him, "I had no idea that I parked in your neighbor's lot. Is there anyway we could call your neighbor to get the car out?" He said, "No." Me: "Hummm, okay." (This is a nice way to handle not knowing what to say or do next. Just say, 'Hummmmmm.") Then the owner went to the cash register and pulled out a wrench. He said, "Come with me." And "I'm not really supposed to do this." So we followed him out to the parking lot. Again he said, "We don't typically do this." He then taught me a fine lesson in how to break into a bolted gate. He unscrewed the latch that was connected to the dead bolt and then opened the gate. It felt so illegal and yet so right.


Daniel said...

That's funny- scary, too! I laughed through the whole thing, I love how you described it!

American Swede Photography said...

This is hilarious, Julie! Makes for an interesting life, these "usual strange" events.

Laura said...

Ha! I can just picture you during all of this! You definitely lead an interesting life! Glad it worked out for you!

jc said...

I guess these kinds of usual strange events are set up for our entertainment purposes. :)

Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

A true Julie moment!...I really think you should write a book entitled "Being proposed to by a monk & Other Julie moments"...hehehe :) Thanks for sharing. Hang in there with the job hunt!

jc said...

I like the book idea Doris. :)