Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why I Like Sleepless Nights

I'm not fond of insomnia. I hate staring at the ceiling, counting sheep, twiddling my thumbs, or saying my ABCs. But I've come to discover that one of my favorite God-times happens typically on a sleepless night.

Recently, I had one of those sleepless nights. I was worried: worried about finding work, worried about my financial situation, and just plain worried (yeah for generalized anxiety!).

After several fruitless hours of moving from my side to my stomach then to my back in search of the perfect position to sleep in, I gave up and turned on my bedside lamp. I pulled out a book of quotes on God's promises and read and read until the spell of worry was broken. I prayed and recommitted my life to God and then I turned off the lamp and found that sleep came easy. In the early morning I was nudged slightly awake. I turned over and felt such a sweet contentment that I had to marvel at the goodness of God. He had turned a sleepless night into a peaceful slumber. What had started as anxiety ended in His comfort.


Marlise said...

This is great! I'll remember this on my next sleepless night! :-)
You know, even though you might wonder why you're there without a job when you could be here with one, I feel you're where you have to be. I miss you here, but I do think you made the right decision when you returned to the States. Don't ask me why - gut feeling! :-)

jc said...

Thanks Marlise. I like your gut feeling. :) On days I think about all that I'm missing at MC, I try to remember that it did feel like the "right" time to leave.