Monday, September 7, 2009

The Night Before the First Day of Class

I've written up my rules. Planned for the first day of class. Gone over and over in my head what I'll say. But I can't sleep. In fact, I rarely can sleep the night before I start teaching a new batch of students. Fifty-eight eighth graders face me tomorrow morning (thankfully, not all at once!). I looked at all their names and wondered about each one of them. What will they be like? I sat in their chairs. (It's good to get perspective.) I prayed in the classroom (It's good to get His perspective.) And well, I can't sleep. But this is a good can't-sleep. It's not anxiety driven as much as it is excitement driven. Hey, hey, I'm getting into this. I can do this.


Laura said...

I've been thinking about you today, wondering if you'd be able to sleep! Hope you're having pleasant dreams by now. I'm praying for you (and your students!)!

heidileanne said...

Good luck today! I always have that not being able to sleep problem before the first day of teaching to. Can't wait to hear about how it went today! I'll be praying for you and your students too.

American Swede Photography said...

Wow, Julie! I'm thinking about you and praying for you. Fifty-eight students are a lot. I really like the idea of you sitting in their seats and praying in their classroom. I would like to think that every teacher does this. Very special.