Friday, May 1, 2009

A Small Game I Play

I have a secret and I'm almost scared to tell it. The secret is that sometimes I play a little game when I'm talking to people. I call it my right-here-right-now-Lord-help-me-focus game. (Yeah, it's kind of a long name.) Okay, really, I don't have a name for it; it's just something I do. You see I like to pray when I talk to people. My prayer usually runs along the following lines: "Please Lord, help me to listen well to this person, and help me to bless this person now."

It's kind of a fun game. Today I remembered to play it. I was at the cafe at 11:40 am to eat. I sat with some friends for awhile, but they had to go and then a coworker I don't know very well joined me. So the person-I-don't-know-very-well and I sat and chatted and I prayed. Was there any major revelations in the conversation? No. Did I change her life? I highly doubt it. Will this person and I become bosom buddies? Probably not. But for 15 minutes I had a chance to just ask God to bless my 11:40 am lunch partner.

I wasn't sure if I should share this game or anytime you see me you might start feeling suspicious. "Oh, no she's praying again! Watch out!" But I want to invite you to join me. Pray for the people you talk with. We all live busy lives and sometimes it's hard to see the people that are right in front of us. Prayer gives us the gift of loving the very person sent to us in the very moment that God has given us to live.


Jules said...

I've always considered it a blessing whenever I got to sit down and talk to you, Julie. I'll always be grateful for those talking sessions I've had with you because in some ways, it has certainly changed me. :D

jc said...

Thank you. :)

American Swede Photography said...

Julie, this is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your secret.