Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do One Thing that Scares You

I've been planning to go home for a year and work as I look into PhD programs. Today I was telling Dr Mack my plans and he said in essence...."Don't work start your PhD program as soon as possible." Gulp. I've been wanting this year to research the programs, to do my own research, to brush up on statistics, to retake the GRE, to look at every program and think about this whole Phd thing thoroughly. As I was talking with Dr Mack, I couldn't help but think about why I want to do everything slowly. I'm just plain scared. I'm scared I won't get accepted into a program, I'm scared of making a huge commitment, I'm scared that I will choose the wrong program or decide half way through my PhD program that my real passion isn't composition theory but economics. But he got me thinking. What would it hurt to simply start applying now? If I don't get accepted into any programs, I can go back to my original plan of working for a year.

I guess I have some homework to do now!


Deanna Beryl said...

What would it hurt to simply start applying now? If I don't get accepted into any programs, I can go back to my original plan of working for a year.<---- Yes! You have nothing to lose, really. :) I remembered how I first started applying jobs. I think I was scared too - but hey, I remembered you told me that it wouldn't harm to just send in your resume :) If you don't get it, it's okay. If you get it, cool! :)

I'm glad you're still here, seriously. =) But hey, let's go for our dreams. Let's stop being scared (now what did Obama said about fear...).

See you around!

Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

Ditto on the scared...:(
I can just see you in economics, hehe :)