Sunday, January 18, 2009


Thirty-one is so much better than 30. Going from my 20s into my 30s felt like a huge scary leap. (Ha. Ha. All of you happily into your 30s...You CAN mock me now.) But I'm grateful to be 31 this year. I'm grateful for 31 years of life and all the gifts that have been given to me so far. The gifts of an education, family, friends, travel, and opportunity. I've been blessed. I was also realizing how grateful I am that there is no age where living well comes to a screeching halt. All the talk in my teenage years that "this-is-the-best-time-of-your-life" was wrong. Today is the best day of my life. I enjoyed being a teenager, I liked my 20s, and I'm happy to be now into my 30s. In some ways life is richer now than it was ten years ago. I don't want to say that I have a lot of experience--I don't. But the gift of age is the gift of memories and now I have just that many more memories. I'm looking forward to my 30s to see what they will bring me. I'm also looking forward to my 40s and 50s and all that life has ahead of me.

My grandmother told me this summer that she hadn't run for awhile so in the middle of the night she went out into the hall of the assisted care home where she lives and she took her walker and she RAN down the hall. My grandmother probably got her spunk from her mother. My great-grandmother wanted to get married again when she was in her 80s. She hoped to go rafting for her honeymoon. I have two good examples of living well at all ages. I want to follow in their footsteps.


heidileanne said...

Happy Birthday! I hope that I have the same attitude when I turn 31 - and I only hope to take after our Grandmother and Great-Grandmother as well. I've always loved the spunk in them that you speak of too.

Deanna Beryl said...

Whoa I am awed by your grandmother and great-grandmother. :) Yay on the optimism :)

jc said...

Yeah, my grandma is pretty cool. :)

American Swede Photography said...

I loved the story of Grandma running in the hall! I never tire of hearing how spunky she is, and only hope I don't "fear out" of all the fun in life as I get 'old', whatever that is!