Sunday, November 7, 2010


In the condensation on the wall from my shower, I scribbled the word, "yours". I had just been praying and musing. "Who do I want to be?" And the response came quickly, "yours." There is not much more than I can ask of God than to be securely his.

This simple scribbling on the wall, my morning's heart longing came partially from a mediation on the following words:

"While on earth, Jesus lived as one with the Father, with an infinitely secure attachment to him. Jesus was able to trust the Father with his life, even if that led to death. With that much confidence in his relationship with God, it is no wonder Jesus was so free of anxiety that he was able to do all that he did: heal, turn tables, speak with wisdom and conviction, calm stormy weather, withstand torture, and snuff out the sting of death through the power of his own death and resurrection.

But we, viewing the universe through the lenses of our insecure attachment, have a difficult time believing that God gives us absolute security as well....[We tend to] respond to him in ways that leave us disconnected from the life of joy Jesus describes in the Gospels.

How is it that despite our 'belief' in God's love for us, we don't experience that love transforming our inner lives or our relationships with our friends, parents, children, spouses or neighbors?" p. 139,140 Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson

My scribble is a prayer for the love of Christ to transform my heart and all my relationships. My heart and my relationships Lord are yours.

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