Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Family Friends

This morning Laura, Kristen(my sis-in-law), and I walked around Lake Junaluska in North Carolina. As we walked I soaked in the beauty of the place (the rolling hills and the fog on the lake), and I thought about how precious time can be sometimes. It's a small thing walking together, but I know what a privilege it is just to have that moment to be together.

This weekend was special. Laura and her husband are friends with my brother and his wife, but we've never all been together at the same time. It was also special in another way. I've known Laura since I was three years old, and our parents know each other from the time they were missionaries together in the Marshall Islands. This weekend I got to see her children play with my nephew and niece. This makes three generations of our respective families that are friends.

Kristen says we should make meeting in North Carolina a tradition. I think so too. It is so nice to be with friends that are almost family.


Laura said...

Oh Julie, you're almost making me cry just reading this! It was so special that you came and I treasure the time we got to spend together. Thanks for your friendship!

jc said...

It was a special time; I'm glad I got to come. :)

American Swede Photography said...

What a blessing to have friends and family like you, Julie, and Laura. I do hope we can be together again like this.

jc said...

Kristen, all I can say is amen to that. :)