Thursday, May 20, 2010

Odd Prayers

Today I prayed for pregnant mice. Okay, I prayed for a friend who wants to do research project on pregnant mice. That has not been my oddest prayer. My oddest prayers are the ones that come when I'm half asleep. Like the other day I was nodding off and praying for a friend. I prayed, "Please bless X and the state of Arizona." I woke up just enough to wonder why I was praying for my friend AND the state of Arizona. Then the other night I prayed, "Please help me to understand my limitations, please make me a better friend, and please help me to buy more comfortable shoes." Again, the last part was an accidental addendum to the prayer.(Maybe my feet were sending a message to my subconscious, and my subconcious made sure to slip that thought into my prayers.)

I'm thankful for odd prayers and a God (I hope) who laughs at them.


Desvaríos Dorisianos said... need to go shoe shopping! Have somebody drag you-er- take you shopping :)
I liked your post, and the previous one especially. Hope all is well.

jc said...

By the way, you were the person I was praying for and AZ. :) Yes, I must go shoe shopping soon! Really, my feet have been killing me.

Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

haha...I'm honored! Me and the state of Arizona, on the same prayer level!

Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

oh, hey...I like how you changed your profile description...the previous one had a typo that I thought was cute :)

jc said...

I like cute typos. Though I tend to not like them when I transgress. Hmmm..What was it?