Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Your Heart Will Be Free

I was sharing with a friend recently a small struggle that I have been having. I said, "You know even though I struggle, I surrender everything to God." My friend looked at me and said quite emphatically, "God is doing something special for you and if you keep surrendering this area of your life, you'll find that your heart will be free." I loved that line "your heart will be free." The words were a promise. My friends words stayed with me all day yesterday and even into the night. This morning I struggled to get up not only because I was sleepy but because my sleep had been so peaceful. It was as if God had come and stayed near me through the night. I wanted to linger in bed in His precense.

1 comment:

Marlise said...

Thanks, Julie. I always struggle with surrender, too. Like I have a hard time TRUSTING my future to God. Keep wanting to have it all planned... This entry was a good reminder to calm down and let Him work for once!