Monday, June 14, 2010

Bless the Hands

Often I hear people pray over a meal, "Lord, bless the hands that made this." Today as I ironed a new shirt I prayed (almost without thinking), "Bless the hands that made this." As I ironed, I thought about something I heard on the radio yesterday. The man said, "We can't all be financiers and lawyers. We must make something too."

My shirt was made. Some woman or man sewed the shirt. They might have made a five hundred shirts that day, but still this shirt went through their hands.

Several years ago after seeing dozens of "Hello Moto" advertisements I finally realized that Moto was Motorola. My grandmother spent most of her life working in an Motorola factory assembling their products. Who used the products she touched? Who could appreciate that the person who made their phone was artistic, funny, and odd (sorry, dad for the last one).

Bless the hands. Bless the hands that made the products I use. Bless the people behind all that I touch.


Ginger said...

This post reminds me so much of Barbara brown Taylor's book, "An Altar in the World." Have you read it? If not, I think you'd enjoy it. :)

jc said...

Hey Ginger, I haven't read the book. But I'll have to go find it. :)