Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Yellow Shirt

Someone recently asked me if I like her spent a great deal of time analyzing what to wear for the day. I didn't say much because I was too embarrassed to respond with how little I analyze what I'll wear. My criteria is: is it ironed?

Well, today I ran out of ironed shirts but I noticed my Thai yellow shirt hanging in the closest. I looked at it in its unwrinkled glory and thought, "What are the chances that I'll meet a person from Thailand today? Hmmmmm...zero." So I put on my yellow shirt and went to work. While I was at work, I got a phone call from a friend. She told me that she was on my side of town for an appointment and suggested we meet up for lunch. At her suggestion we went to Thai food. It wasn't until after we ordered that it hit me. "I'm sitting in a Thai restaurant wearing a yellow shirt that has Thai writing on it." What weird forang would show up at a Thai restaurant during a month when the yellow shirt/red shirt situation had gotten even worse than usual looking as she supported the PAD?

When we went to pay the bill, I stood in this awkward position trying to cover up any Thai writing on my shirt. I don't know, maybe the restaurant owners saw the writing on my shirt and thought of the time when yellow only meant loyalty to the King and not loyalty to a political party.


American Swede Photography said...

This is hilarious, Julie! What are the chances?!! Eek!

Marlise said...

You've made my day with this one - very funny!