Monday, April 26, 2010


I've been playing host to a friend from Bangkok for about a week now. I've had fun hearing Thai words again and just getting a chance to talk about Thailand. I've also had fun listening to my friends observations about America.

For example, every time we drive pass a homeless person she says, "I can't believe Americans help so many countries but they don't help their own people."

Also, my friend is completely unimpressed with my apartment situation. "What you pay that much and they don't have a maid to sweep the halls or security guards?"

Life is different here. My friend says, "It's more convenient in America." I say, "It is more lonely in America."


Laura said...

so glad you're posting again . . . I've been missing it (and you!).
love A's comments and can appreciate her perspective on life there.

jc said...

Thanks Laura. Yeah, A made me laugh a couple of times on the trip. I didn't mention in the blog that the only thing that really impressed her was the tick. After I talked with you, I couldn't get it off of me. She was amazed that a) I never felt it b) it took several tries to remove.

I can't wait until the end of May! :)