Friday, February 10, 2012

Nothing New

People like to ask me, "So what's new?" For some reason, that question always leaves me with nothing to say. In fact, I panic a little because I feel like I should have a new experience to share like "Oh, yes, I went to Paris last week." But really, most of my days look about the same. Catch me on February 28 or catch me on March 13 and well there wouldn't be much to differientiate between those days.

I'm in a season of my life right now called the ordinary--it's not a bad place to be in. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'll have days years from now when I'll long for this season--but it doesn't provide a lot of fodder for conversation.

So what I wish I could be asked instead of "what's new?" is "what books have you been reading lately?" "what did you learn this week?" Or even, "What was your favorite meal this month?" These are the new things in my life: common, ordinary, and sweet these gifts, but treasured still the same.


American Swede Photography said...

Huh. I think I could "copy and paste" -- or plagiarize -- this directly onto my blog right now.

jc said...

You'd be welcome to. But it's good to know I'm not alone in my ordinary days. :)