Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Two for One

Recently, I was having a bad day. The little things were getting to me like the fact that I drove over a large curb in a parking lot and had a whole family stop their conversation to stare at me as I drove away (yes, people I'm fine; I meant to do that). Later in the day one of my friends called me. She told me she was having a bad day. I said, "Me too!" We commiserated some. I shared with her what was frustrating me about my day and vice versa, and by the time we hung up, both of us were laughing. I told her later, "This is what I love about friendship. You can combine two bad days to make one good day."


Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

Hey Julie! So sorry to hear about your "curb" moment... we all have our moments...two days ago I forgot about a friend's bday party (sort of justified as I was in the middle of a problem), but hey, forgetfulness is one of my Doris-moments...found this great poem on it; thought you might enjoy it too.:) http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/19754

jc said...

I love the poem! Thanks for sharing. :)

Mai said...

I like this idea - I'll have to use it the next time I have a bad day!