Monday, August 2, 2010

A Writing Assignment: Indulge Me

If you're one of my former students, you've probably seen this writing assignment before. It's one of my favorite writing assignments. I like it so much that I'm assigning it to you dear readers of this blog. You never would have known that reading a blog came with homework! So get out of piece of paper and answer the following questions.

When was a moment you felt really loved?
Who have you felt 'most' loved by? What did he/she do to make you feel so loved?

Now write. Write for five or ten minutes. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation or even if anyone is going to read what you say. Don't worry that you have to write the 'right thing.' For example, you might feel that you should say you felt most loved by a spouse when actually it was your pet canary that really filled your love cup the most, (okay, I jest!), but you get the picture.

When you are finished writing, you may then (ahhh...I love the authoritative sound of this) come back to this blog and check the comments section of this post. There I'll tell you what to do with this writing assignment. (Don't worry I will not ask you to share what you wrote. But there is a painless part II of this assignment.)


jc said...

Think of the biggest number you can imagine. 10 times 10 billion. 100 times 100 babillion. Now multiply the entry that you have written by that number. That is how much God loves you. A quote that my grandmother said by the ocean this summer puts it well, "All the paternal love which has come down from generation to generation through the channel of human hearts, all the springs of tenderness which have opened in the souls of men, are but as a tiny rill to the boundless ocean when compared with the infinite, exhaustless love of God." 5T 740 Ellen White

Marlise said...

Sweet. I can think of two things to write about (they're hardly "things", though! LOL): my grandmother, and Daniel.
My grandma always had time for me, and loved listening to me and giving advice. I still miss her! And Daniel - he just keeps making me feel loved every day! It's amazing.

jc said...

Yeah for love and for the people who makes us feel that way. :)