Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Place

I handed in the keys to my old apartment today. Finally, I'm out. I've been moving very very slowly. I can attribute my slowness to having plenty of free time and being so close to the old place that I have no real motivation to get it all done in one fell swoop. But there's another reason why I've moved slowly. I kind of feel sentimental about the old place. Hey, I have very special memories of sleeping on the floor for several weeks there. I'd hate to say goodbye too quickly.

Despite feeling sentimental about my old place;I'm very happy about the new. Last night I did my usual prayer time which inevitably means I moved from a kneeling position to supine. I laid on the floor talking with God while looking at an oak tree from my top window and listening to the cicadas. Now there is happiness. I've been given the small gift of nature sounds.

Thank you Father, for small things: for being able to see the stars and hear the cicadas.


heidileanne said...

Why did you move? Better, cheaper place became available? I of course, will need new pictures of the place or I will still imagine you in your old apartment, which I still think of as your "new apartment" :)

jc said...

I moved mostly because I couldn't afford living alone. My new place is 5 dollars cheaper than my last and it is a 2/2 instead of a 1/1. So not only am I saving 5 bucks, but I'm splitting the rent with a new roommate and saving a heap. I should have mentioned that this is all a huge answer to prayer.

Yes, pictures shall be forthcoming!

Marlise said...

Glad to know you're in a nicer place!

jc said...

Thanks Marlise. :)