Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Future

Today after class I ran into a friend in the hall. She looked at me and said, "Why are you so happy?" I had to laugh. Well, how can I explain that in a short sentence? I told her and I think this was unnecessary information. "I'm happy today because I realize that the past doesn't have to hold me down." It's not that my past is horrible, but sometimes I get caught feeling like certain mistakes that I've made or certain struggles that I have had will inevitably stay with me.

Lately, I've been telling myself..."the future weighs more than the past". How do I know what I will become? How do I know that my future won' t be something bigger than my past or my present? Why can't I claim that possibly bigger future now?

I want to offer my students the same option I offer myself. How do I know that their future is not going to be something great? I especially want to offer that option to the struggling students in my classes. I want to start treating them more as if they have already arrived at greatness.

1 comment:

Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

hehe...indeed, us grumpy non-morning people are always wondering why you're so happy :)but, we're really blessed that you are!

Tangent...have you seen this blog?