Thursday, January 12, 2012


I was recently discussing with a friend about another friend that has moved away from Orlando. I said, it's not like the song, "'I can't live if living is without you.' I don't need this friend to function, but her absence has made my life less rich."

I think this can be said of friends in general. Friends add texture to life. They give variety to the emotional terrain of our inner worlds.

But there's something else here. Each friend is uniquely valuable. If there is no snowflake alike; there's no friendship alike. I value the friend I mentioned earlier because her capacity for being profoundly serious and delightfully goofy (sometimes all in the same conversation)adds a little extra joy to my life.

I'm blessed with the richness my friends give my life.


Desvaríos Dorisianos said...

And we are blessed with the Julie-moments and friendship! Hugs and a happy Sabbath!

jc said...

I just saw this comment. Thank you! :)