Thursday, October 20, 2011

Feet and Other Things

I was so grateful for the man sitting next to me in Sabbath School last week who asked, "Does the fact that I'm pointing my foot at you bother you?" He's spent a great deal of his life in Asia so he gets that small detail. It just made me happy.

I miss all the things that no one here really gets. For example, it doesn't make sense to go around complaining about my shoe that is falling apart and compare it to a loi-gao-gao shoe.

Before I moved to Thailand, I had only vague impressions of it. My knowledge of Thailand could be summed up in a sentence: it was the country with lots of prostitutes, a very successful AIDs campaign, and the place where they made pad thai.

So I guess I can't expect more from people. But it there's a certain sadness in having a world tucked away in the corner of my heart. I can only mutter Thai words to myself and move on.

Last week I was interviewed for a class on world religions about my experience in Thailand. After the professor thanked me for the interview, I struggled to stop talking. You mean its over? I can't share anymore?

1 comment:

American Swede Photography said...

Oh, Julie, this is kind of sad. :( . . . :(