Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gnashing of Teeth

Bank: We can't give you an auto loan until you have a Florida address. Bring in your Florida license and we'll change your address.

Florida DMV: You now must have two ways to prove that you live in Florida. Bring in a lease and a statement from a bank with your address on it or bring in a bill that has your address on it.

Me: Gnashing of teeth.

I'm currently up the red tape creek (too mix madly my metaphors!) because I can't be "officially" in Florida until I get a bill which might not happen until well much later this month. Oh, I could also show them a Florida voter registration card but oh wait...you can't get a registration card until (well) you have a Florida license.
I suppose red tape is inherently circular in logic.


Daniel said...

I vouldn't help laughing (with sympathy!).

And I thought Argentina was bad with paperwork!

Hope you find a way to break the cycle.

Daniel said...

(Previous comment was Marlise's, not Daniel's) ;-)

Julie said...

Marlise, so you could join me in the gnashing of teeth! Grrrr...