Friday, March 27, 2015

On Being an Introvert

I had five close friends in college who were all proud introverts. I used to tease them that I claimed to be an introvert just so I could belong. I've always said I'm an extroverted-introvert or an introverted-extrovert, but lately I've been claiming my introvert side more. Claiming it and trying to realize that I don't always live well as an introvert. I love people, friendships, connections--so some times I simply forget that I need time alone. Maybe I don't forget so much as I forget to be intentional about taking alone time. I need stretches of sweet solitude. Someone recently remarked to me, "I feel sorry for singles on Saturday night." That was kind of her to think about us, and yes being single does have its moments of loneliness, but sometimes a Saturday night home alone is a gift.

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