Monday, January 5, 2015

A Walk Across Campus

It's been one of those days--busy, hectic, non-stop. There were classes to prepare for, a class to teach, multiple students who needed scheduling advice, and parents to reassure. There was no let up until midafternoon, and I'm still not done.

At one point a friend (another professor here) dropped in and asked if I needed a mental break. She suggested we walk across campus together to investigate our snack options. As we walked, we ran into different students. I don't always get to look objectively at the teaching profession, so it was interesting for me to watch my friend interact with her students. They were happy to see her and she them.

My friend found her snack and managed to convince a cafe worker to give me some lemon juice and honey (I'm sick). On our walk back I told her, "Sometimes we need to do this--just walk across campus to see why we are here."

Teaching is a busy profession. We teachers have to stop our work, come up for air, and remember the students we are doing the work for.

1 comment:

Mai said...

I can totally relate to this - a good reminder! Thanks for sharing! :)

ps. I'm glad you're back to blogging!