Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Reaping and Sowing

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he reap" (Galatians 6:7-8, ESV).

I laid in my bed mulling over that text last night. Just the other day, I had spent some time reading over journals from about ten years ago. I was thinking about how the life I live now is a small reaping of the life I lived ten years ago. I wondered, "Did I sow well? Am I reaping now a good harvest?"

The second thing I considered was what am I sowing now? What is it that I'm bringing into my life that I will harvest later? What am I nourishing now that will grow up later?

I usually think of this text in the context of my spiritual life. (I want to sow generously in matters of God!) But the text can also be applied to every area of my life (my health, relationships, work etc). I read a book recently that emphasized this idea. It was called the Principle of the Path. The book's basic premise was simply--what we do now has a direct affect on our future. It seems like a no-duh principle, but I so easily forget it.

I want to blindly sow and blindly reap. I don't want to make a connection between what I do today and who I am tomorrow. Sometimes I'd rather blame chance than to blame myself.

The Principle of the Path was a call for me to sit down and heartily think about where I am, so that I won't be surprised when I get to my destination.

1 comment:

heidileanne said...

Sounds like a great book! I agree, the principal sounds like a no brainer, but I don't think I had ever really given it much thought until I read this. Going to put that book on my 'to read' now.