Sunday, October 19, 2008

Strange Happenings

Today while my students were taking their linguistics exam just when the room was at its absolute quietest some mice in the ceiling above us decided to make a mad dash across the attic. You could hear them scuffling as they went along. It sounded like they were out on some holiday. I had to laugh. Foolish mice. Bad timing.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


One of the hardest things I struggle with as a writing teacher is giving good feedback. Sometimes all I can think of is "this just sounds right" or "this just sounds wrong." But when it comes down to actually articulating why something is wrong or right, I find myself incapable of saying anything intelligent. I suffer often from grading block!

I suppose the issue of feedback is much deeper than just grading. It comes down to how can I move from doing something to showing how it is done? It's the difference between playing by ear and knowing how to teach piano. I've struggled with this dilemna ever since I started teaching.

I've read many books on writing pedagogy and while the books give me good ideas, they leave me unsatisfied. Maybe the unsatisfaction is partially with myself. "Yes, this is how I teach writing, but how can I do it better?" But I think there's also just more literature that needs to be written about teaching writing.

I guess when I start thinking about that than the next stop is, "Well, what research are you going to do about this?"

I'm rambling. I'm rambling because the reality is I have 20 essays on my desk that need some form of response. I'm going back to my desk now. Essays here I come!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10 Reasons Why I Like Students

Okay, I'm starting a list of why I like students.

1) Because they are funny
2) Because they talk fervently (in my classroom) in another language and laugh so hard I wonder what they are talking about
3) Because they turn in home work assignments mislabeled with delightful plays on words like: "English Combustion I" or "My first drift"
4) Because they like each other
5) Because each classroom and each student teaches me something new about the world
6) Because they sometimes say the wrong thing like, "I was absent today. Did I miss anything?"
7) Because (sometimes!) they get excited about what they are learning
8) Because they are not ashamed to groan when I give them home work
9) Because they can get so excited about classroom games that they forget they are adults
10) Because I might have never gotten to know them if they hadn't walked into my classroom

Monday, October 6, 2008

Students' Laughing

My favorite time in the classroom is when students are laughing. I don't necessarily mean laughing at my jokes (though I appreciate a polite chuckle here or there), but just genuinely laughing as they work. I see it sometimes when they are working together. One student makes a a funny comment and the others starts to chuckle or sometimes they poke each other in jest. I walk around the classroom watching them and say to myself, "this is how I want it to stay."