Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10 Reasons Why I Like Students

Okay, I'm starting a list of why I like students.

1) Because they are funny
2) Because they talk fervently (in my classroom) in another language and laugh so hard I wonder what they are talking about
3) Because they turn in home work assignments mislabeled with delightful plays on words like: "English Combustion I" or "My first drift"
4) Because they like each other
5) Because each classroom and each student teaches me something new about the world
6) Because they sometimes say the wrong thing like, "I was absent today. Did I miss anything?"
7) Because (sometimes!) they get excited about what they are learning
8) Because they are not ashamed to groan when I give them home work
9) Because they can get so excited about classroom games that they forget they are adults
10) Because I might have never gotten to know them if they hadn't walked into my classroom

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