I had to quintuple this batch of cookies. I was trying to double it, but I put way too much salt in it so I tried to save the batch by quintupling it. Let's just say the experiment ended abysmally when a very frustrated Julie stuck all the dough in the freezer. My mom eventually baked all the dough I had abandoned.
Now we have lots and lots of chocolate chip cookies in the freezer. Once I opened the freezer and a container of the cookies slid out into my hands. After the container, a carton of ice cream dropped into my hands. "See," I told myself, "The universe is sending me messages today!"
So nice to see pictures of your smiling face! I miss you! And wow, that was adventurous, quadrupling the batch! Sounds like you got to enjoy them eventually!
I think the batch was a bit too adventurous. I miss you too! One up side of Florida is that I'll have better reception so expect me to call more. :)
Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!!! Sounds like it was meant to be. :)
Ha. Ha. :)
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