Then for supper I went out with some other friends to a nice restaurant. We ate outside on couches. There was a man playing a guitar at the restaurant. He sang Spanish songs and English love songs; he even came to our table and serenaded us with several songs. It was a delightful evening--peace inducing, but not very helpful for getting me out of my quiet mood.
I like being quiet. I think it saves me trouble (I usually say things I regret!). I even enjoy being around other people when I don't feel like talking. I find something comforting in conversations that I am not participating in. Maybe being quiet slows me down and helps me enjoy the world around me. I am thankful for quiet days.
PS The candle is from our restaurant last night.
Hah...all that quiet will come to an end soon...I'm coming back this week!...Are my fish still alive? :)
...Serenaded by Spanish songs? How come I never get to go to those places when I'm there?! :) I loved the picture of the candle.
Quiet times are good sometimes.. because they are just what we need.. Happy '09!! It's not too late yet ;)
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